The NSSF Newsletter

Why sign up for the NSSF Newsletter? Lots of reasons. We interview interesting alumni who have become talented professionals, trailblazers and entrepreneurs. We spotlight what's happening at Northern, giving alumni a window back into the school. We report on each year's NSSF grant recipients, so that donors can see positive impact. We are a conduit for Northern alumni to meaningfully connect with the student community, including calls to alumni to take part in our emerging NorTalks speaker series. You can expect 1 or 2 newsletters per semester. Stay close, friends. Northern is humming.

Past Newsletters

We're Hooked On That NSS MOJO
November 2024
July 2023 – School Was Back This Year
July 2023
April 2022
eblast holiday 2021
Holiday 2021
eblast fall 2021
Fall 2021

Sign Up:

* indicates required
What is Your Connection To Northern? *
Please share your Grad year. It helps us engage alumni more meaningfully. Please fully write your year, eg. 1985
Please fully write years, eg. 1995–1999
Please fully write years, eg. 1985–2001